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Virtual Guided Tours

Flanieren, entdecken, staunen

Tours through the quarter

Let art historian Dr. Ralf Lange and tour guide Nicola Janocha show you the special features of Hamburg's UNESCO World Heritage Site and learn more about the groundbreaking architecture of Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus District and the life of Hamburg's citizens in those days.

Fast wie live dabei zu sein!

Streamed guided city tours

Hamburg city guides Matej Kušnir and Rolf Kellner as well as journalist Florian Marten and architect Christian Kottmeier have streamed and recorded their tours for you on World Heritage Day, so that you can now join them on their rambles retrospectively.

Dialogue between living and working

From the 19th to the 21st century


Living and working in Hamburg were closely linked in everyday life until the middle of the 19th century. Industrialisation and the subsequent mass motorisation have led to a separation of functions and pushed housing out of the city. The destruction in the Great Fire of 1842 and the Second World War acted as accelerators of these processes.


Today, our city centre faces the challenges of loss of attractiveness and vacancy. Now the Corona pandemic could act as an accelerator of a diversification of our city centre and lead to a renewed dialogue of functions.

With Matej Kušnir

The 4 Founding Islands

Discovering traces of the old town, recognising connections


We go on a discovery tour of Hamburg’s four founding islands and trace the city’s history. Many street names reveal their origin. Old alleys and filled-in canals, storage hatches, water stairs and terraces, bridges and jettiesallow ustolook deep back into time.

The amphibious character and the beat of the tides were and are determinant for the development of the city and also allow us to look into the future of the old town quarters. The old town is alive! 

With Rolf Kellner


Forward-looking and solidarity-based urban development


The tour is a short journey through time from the original harbour at Zollenbrücke to the harbour district on Wandrahm to Speicherstadt and Kontorhausviertel. The focus is on the past, but above all on the present and the future: How is the current development process of the historic old town and World Heritage areas going and how can we use them for a forward-looking and solidarity-based urban development with a strong civil society character?

With Florian Marten

Above the roofs of the old town

A city tour in lofty heights

From St. Catherine’s via the historic north vault to the church tower. Then to Deichstraße and Nicolaifleet via Hopfenmarkt with the panoramic lift to the tower of the St. Nicolai memorial. Finally, onto the roof of the Patriotic Society of 1765 with a view over the Alster. Return via Hamburg’s oldest bridge back to St. Catherine’s.

With Christian Kottmeier

The WELTERBE INFO POINT at Chilehaus is unfortunately permanently CLOSED. Posters still available at the Museum der Arbeit.
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