Mobile scavenger hunt
Explore the Kontorhaus District
This is a Bound that takes you through the UNESCO World Heritage site Kontorhaus District, providing information about the architecture and use at the time.
A tour of the Kontorhaus District with the iconic Chilehaus-information on the history, architecture and surprising details.
The Kontorhaus District was built in the 1920s to 1950s. With its high quality design and functional construction, it stands for modern architecture and urban development. It was the first pure office district in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and housed businesses related to the port.
For single players
For groups
Explore the Speicherstadt
The following bounds deal with the World Heritage Site Speicherstadt. They weredeveloped in cooperation with two UNESCO project schools in Hamburg. SchülerInnen des Gymnasiums Osterbek (Kunstkurs, Jahrgang 11) kreierten die Inhalte, der ERASMUS-Kurs der Heinrich-Hertz-Schule hat die Bounds für uns getestet und für gut befunden.